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D7.2 Communication materials


Promotional materials and an effective digital promotion strategy are key to generating interest in a project. They raise awareness about what it is trying to...

Publication Date: 29 May 2020

Author: Richard Adams, ICLEI

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D4.1 Mapping the current engagement experience in SUMP-PLUS cities


The present report addresses the central issue of how cities engage with their
citizens, stakeholders, and business communities. Its aim is to understand the

Publication Date: 25 May 2020

Author: Lucia Cristea & Lucian Zagan (EIP)

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D7.3 Publication Schedule


This document aims to guide CIVITAS SUMP-PLUS’s publishing activities to ensure that the project’s results and outcomes are made available to the widest...

Publication Date: 29 Apr 2020

Author: Richard Adams, ICLEI

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D4.2 SUMP-PLUS Engagement Strategies


The main aim of the present deliverable is to define the engagement strategies for the partner cities as part of their SUMP-PLUS activities. The project...

Publication Date: 23 Feb 2020

Author: Lucia Cristea & Lucian Zagan (EIP)

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Klaipeda's SUMP


Klaipeda's SUMP was a big step forward for the city to achieve its ambitions of becoming a place geared towards sustainable mobility.


Publication Date: 13 Sep 2018

Author: Klaipeda Municipality

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