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D1.2 Developing Transition Pathways towards Sustainable Mobility in European Cities


To create a climate-neutral Europe and liveable cities by 2050, transitions towards sustainable urban mobility need to be accelerated. To make these goals...

Publication Date: 02 Dec 2020

Author: Emilia Smeds and Peter Jones, UCL

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D5.1 Draft Evaluation Plan


The SUMP-PLUS evaluation approach is something closely related to “telling the story of the city” under the perspective of mobility policies development, SUMP...

Publication Date: 04 Nov 2020

Author: Eleonora Ercoli, Giorgio Ambrosino, Claudio Disperati & Andrea Lorenzini (MemEx)

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D7.4 CityConsult Agency Roadmap


The CityConsult Agency that will be developed within CIVITAS SUMP-PLUS will ensure a continuing process of knowledge share, mentoring, learning, and replication...

Publication Date: 01 Sep 2020

Author: Ana Dragutescu, Elma Meskovic & Marko Horvat, ICLEI ES

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D1.1 SUMP-PLUS City Typology


Due to the varying circumstances and mobility contexts in the European cities, the project determined the need for a city typology that enables differences...

Publication Date: 17 Jun 2020

Author: Emilia Smeds, Peter Jones, UCL – Chapter 2 Ana Dragutescu, Marko Horvat, Elma Meskovic, ICLEI – Chapter 3. The other chapters have been jointly authored by UCL and ICLEI.

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D7.2 Communication materials


Promotional materials and an effective digital promotion strategy are key to generating interest in a project. They raise awareness about what it is trying to...

Publication Date: 29 May 2020

Author: Richard Adams, ICLEI

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