D1.3 Conceptual and analytical framework for new business models
Over the last ten years we have seen waves of private sector investment in urban mobility solutions, from ride-hailing through to shared micro-mobility and the piloting of Mobility-as-a-Service subscription packages. Within the urban logistics sector we also see new services emerging, seeking to reduce pollution and increase efficiencies through improved consolidation and deployment of zero-emission vehicles. For the cities at the forefront of this roll-out of new mobility solutions, there has been a process of introducing new regulatory processes and learning to work in partnership with multiple service providers. In other, typically smaller cities, there are questions of how to attract and form partnerships with private-sector service providers in situations where business cases may be more marginal.
This report sets out to establish conceptual frameworks covering: the business models of urban mobility and logistics solutions; approaches to the formation of mobility and logistics partnerships; and the role these play within an overarching SUMP Financial Strategy. This work is undertaken with the underlying objective of understanding how partnerships with mobility and logistics providers can support the development of SUMP Implementation Strategies (see D1.2). The conceptual frameworks set out in this document form the basis for further research and investigation within the SUMP PLUS City Laboratories and the preparation of a Financial Framework Tool.
Publication Date: 31 Mar 2021
Author: Tim Durant, Paul Green, Stefan Gabi (Vectos)