Antwerp, Belgium
Lucca, Italy
Forge cross-sectoral links between transport, public services, and commerce
Implement and monitor cutting-edge mobility solutions
Create new forms of public-private partnerships and business models
Lucca will seek to strengthen the regional logistics component of its SUMP, with both Antwerp and Lucca looking to develop partnership models and incentives schemes for working with the logistics sector. These will help deliver new and expanded urban freight solutions within and around both city centres.
7 Feb 2023
SUMP-PLUS tools, approaches & policy recommendations on show at final conference
After 42 months of equipping cities to deliver zero carbon and achieve their mobility visions, the final conference of the SUMP-PLUS project took...
15 Dec 2022
SUMP-PLUS co-hosts 10th Informed Cities Forum
What should we do first? Build cycle lanes or wait until there are enough cyclists to push for change? According to the panellists at last...
3 Nov 2022
09:30 - 11:30
09:30 - 11:30
Workshop 4: Strengthening the role of sustainable logistics in SUMPs, within and beyond city centres in Lucca, Italy
Anticipated Outcomes
- Piloting and evaluation of new governance and partnership approaches, logistics solutions and business models.
- Scenario development and impact appraisal of future logistics scenarios for a city centre system.